Special Guest

Hailing from the great city of Philadelphia, The Heads of State is a ridiculously talented duo of designistrators—Jason Kernevich (my bff for life) and Dustin Summers. These guys do everything. Posters (which is what catapulted them onto the design scene almost 10 years ago), logos, book covers, illustration, ad campaigns, you name it, and each project seems smarter than the last. Their brains are as enviable as their beards. They opted for an old school production method for their drop cap—linocutting—and the result is awesome. Unrelated but sort of related, I ordered one of their Gatsby prints earlier this year and it is at the framers as we speak!! I am unbelievably excited to get it back as it’s quickly becoming my favorite possession.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/headsofstate-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by The Heads of State" align="left" alt="H"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.