Special Guest

Unbelievable. I think these drop caps just keep getting better and better! Today’s fun U is brought to you by the Aussie ex-pat Timba Smits! His work is so rich and full of warm nostalgia without being annoyingly retro (SO HARD TO DO!). I have been a fan of Timba’s work for a while and was super pumped to share a gallery with him for an exhibition in Australia called Go Font Urself. On top of being super talented, he’s also a super nice dude and the self-described “world’s talest ninja”. If you’re not already familiar with his work, run over to his site immediately—especially if the weather is as dreary where you are as it is in NYC today— it will undoubtedly put a massive smile on your face.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/timba-smits-small.jpg" title="Daily Drop Cap by Timba Smits" align="left" alt="U"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.